Sandra Salinas Newton


I read the ancient epics

Curious of the heroes’ arcs of success

How high and wide and bright their paths

To traverse all the earth and heavens.

They are Gilgamesh, Achilles, Aeneas, 

(Rulers, killers, guides)

Then kings and wanderers like Arthur and Parsifal.

They did not change the world

But made it, fashioned it anew

In their pure, determined fists

Until it emerged like a bright star

Into the dark and eternal sky.

And as I read, I struggled

To imagine what place I have

In all this explosion of light

Where I am barely a spark:

How can I move the world

Just one millimeter towards greatness?

Sandra Salinas Newton is a Filipina-American professor emeritus of English currently living in Austin, Texas. Her published work includes texts, essays, fiction, and most recently, poetry. She is also working on a novel. Her website is;  onTwitter: @DocSSN